Richard Passman, BSE Aero 1944, BSE Math 1946, Mse Aero 1947, General Manager in GE Aerospace Group
Seventy years after my BSE in Aero, I have coauthored and had published a book for the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum about the X-15, the World’s Fastest Rocket Plane and the pilots who ushered in the Space Age. I have had a long and successful career in Aeronautics, thanks to a great education at the U of M . I recall being taught by Felix Pawlowski in his later years, and protecting him in the wind tunnel from the propellers in the tunnel that were being tested. My fondest memories relate to the courses taught by Dr. Arnold Martin Kuethe that gave me the tools and the interest in supersonic aerodynamics that characterized my activities on the X-2 and X-16 while at Bell Aircraft.