Martin Sichel, Professor Emeritus
We would like to extend our congratulations to The Department of Aerospace Engineering at The University of Michigan on the occasion of the one hundredth anniversary of its founding in 1914. We also want to wish The Aero Department another successful one hundred years.
For us and our three sons David, Peter and Daniel, AERO has always been a happy and friendly place. We arrived in Ann Arbor 53 years ago in spring of 1961 right after Marty completed his PhD at Princeton University and accepted an appointment as an Assistant Professor in what was then called The Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Our sons were then six and three years and six months old., but all eventually graduated from The UM.
Marty became emeritus in 1998 after many happy years of teaching and research, and after more happy years in Ann Arbor we moved to a retirement community in Massachusetts in 2013 in order to be closer to our three, now adult, sons. But we have many precious memories of the wonderful Department of Aerospace Engineering at The University of Michigan.