Samuel (Matt) Vance, BSAE 1980, Senior Researcher/Flight Instructor

One very happy Saint Louis University,
U of M Aero Engineer Flight Instructor!
Hello fellow U of M Aero Engineers !!
In Jan 2014 I transferred into a job that I never thought I would have and am very much enjoying the experience – I am teaching professional pilot flight courses in Saint Louis University’s (SLU) FAR PART 141 flight program. I have the direct responsibility to impart both knowledge and professional attitudes to my/our students and am finding this both professionally challenging and rewarding.
Last spring I also completed a PhD in Aviation Science here at SLU. My dissertation was focused on the perceptions and requirements that passengers would place on fully autonomous airline travel.
Over my career I have had the privilege of the following experiences (in this order): U.S. Navy Officer (hunted submarines from P-3C); COM / INST / Multi / CFI / CFII / CFMEI / COM (Single Engine Sea) Pilot; Assistant Professor of Naval Science, Masters of Aeronautical & Astronautical Engineering (MSAE), Purdue University; Operations Analyst, McDonnell Douglas; U.S. Navy Reserve Officer (hunted submarines from P-3BMOD aircraft); Decision Analyst / Facilitator / Stakeholder Management, Business Development Analyst, McDonnell Douglas; U.S. Navy Reserve Officer, U.S. Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM), Operations Directorate (J-3) Command Center Senior Duty Officer; Boeing 737 / 757 Product Strategy Manager, Boeing Commercial Airplanes, Air Traffic Management (ATM) Working Together Team Program Manager, Boeing ATM Advanced Development Engineering Executive, Washington D.C. Studies and Analysis Executive, Science Officer for the U.K. Ministry of Defense (Seconded [loaned] for a 2 year overseas assignment), Business Development Executive, Boeing; Senior Researcher, Saint Louis University (SLU), Adjunct Aviation Science Professor, Unmanned Aerial Systems Program Manager, PhD recipient, and now also a Flight Instructor here at SLU.
I have always reflected very favorably on my alma mater and the sound foundation that I received. Two Aero professors, in particular, have always remained as significantly influential to me, Dr. James Driscoll and Ed Lesher. One was younger and one was ‘more experienced’. What both exuded was a professional enthusiasm for their subjects and their students that was infectious. I try to show the same enthusiasm to my current students and credit my U of M experience for the outstanding role model.
In 1989, I attended the 75th Aero anniversary celebration, and would very much like to be joining you for the 100th – but cannot. I have flight students who must be my priority (please note the large smile in the accompanying photo!).
Sincerely, Matt Vance.
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